Archive for February 7, 2010

Sunday Funday Runday

8.6 miles conquered!!!

The feeling of personal improvement is a great one. If you told me a few months ago I could run 8 miles I’d have laughed 🙂

I was happy to see the gate was wide open and waiting for me at the park today. (Although truth be told it was definitely icier.) There was one whole section I had to avoid it was so slick- I just turned around and ran the other way then doubled back instead. I had quite a few close calls, but no major ice catastrophes!

I guess it’s about time I admit I’m not a fast runner anymore. It took me 86 minutes… so exactly 10 minute miles. I’ll take it though! 🙂

Post run lunch: black bean burger on a multigrain English muffin with spicy brown mustard and ketchup, and a side of Brussels sprouts. (Gotta have a good healthy lunch before all the game food I’m chow on later!)

Good thing I was paying attention to the microwave- the bag of Brussels sprouts almost exploded. It was probably pushing almost twice this size before I got the picture.


And of course I would have grabbed the most abnormally small English muffin out of the bag. It makes my burger look like it’s on steroids.

burger and sprouts

burger and brussels


And now it’s party time!!! We have a couple friends coming over to watch the game. I personally use the word “watch” loosely.

Apparently our party’s dip themed. We have French onion dip, pizza dip, and two sausage and cheese dips (ugh I hate sausage). Plus meatballs, pigs in a blanket, and an assortment of pizzas. (You might be able to tell I didn’t do all the cooking….) Aaaand a keg and a half of Natty Greene’s beer. (The advantages of having the beer-brewer at your party). We DON’T have enough people to drink that much.

Are you watching the big game? Who are you rooting for?!

I’ll be cheering for the Saints solely because I’m from Baltimore where the Colts snuck out of in the middle of the night and all true Bawlmorians will forever hold it against them. And to annoy my husband. 😉

(This is random but I just mentioned 3 foods named after places….Brussels sprouts, English muffin, and French onion. I’m a nerd.)

February 7, 2010 at 2:47 pm 22 comments

Peanut Butter Oat Porn

 DSCN1155 DSCN1157 DSCN1159


Not to ruin the yummy goodness with actual words, but mmm I had the perfect peanut butter meltage today 🙂

The brown stuff is Nutella (since I discovered my sample stash the other day). It was a little too sweet for me. I don’t really like sweet oats. And I don’t realllllly like chocolate so it wasn’t so much a surprise I didn’t love it.

Sunday Sunday Sunday!

February 7, 2010 at 7:03 am 10 comments

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