Archive for February 26, 2010

365 Days Together

One year ago this weekend one of my best friends married the man of her dreams, and tonight we’re celebrating all over again!

Emily's Wedding

They’re having an anniversary party to celebrate their first year together with friends & family at a club downtown. So that’s what I’ll be doing tonight!


But first, dinner. No wait. First a snack: English muffin with almond butter & honey, and a tall skinny cinnamon dolce latte.

english muffin

 cinnamon dolce latte 


Ok, now dinner.

Barbeque pizza!

 barbeque pizza

Plus another slice. This was SO good, I wish I could give you a piece. 😉

barbeque pizza

And a Rising Moon. Because Friday + Pizza = Beer (What, you didn’t learn that in math class? You must’ve skipped that day ;))

 Rising moon

Off to the party! Have a fun Friday night!


February 26, 2010 at 8:24 pm 12 comments

Redemption 10

Happy Friday!!! I’m glad the sun is shining again, but wowza is it windy out there!!! Yikes!!

I have a super packed weekend ahead of me and instead of worrying about when I was going to squeeze in a 2 hour run, I decided it was best to do it today.

Although I have a 12 miler scheduled, I figured after last week’s crummy run, it’d be better to get a good 10 miler under my belt first. Ok, honestly, I didn’t decide that until I was already running, but I felt really comfortable with the idea of repeating the 10. I have plenty of time to get to 12 before March 21st.

I’m happy to report today’s 10 went much better than last week’s!! I made it to mile 7.5ish before my legs were super exhausted. But exhausted in the “you just ran 7.5 miles” way, not the “what the heck is going on” way. I took a few quick walk breaks the last few miles, but I’m pleased with how it went.

I ended up doing 10.18 miles in 1:43:10, which is a 10:08 pace. Works for me. I mean obviously I wish I was able to handle a faster pace, but I also have the ability to be realistic— 10 is good.

It was SO windy too. It finally died down for the last 20 minutes or so, and it was amazing how much warmer it felt for that part. Whew!



Hidden risotto!! I had saved two servings of the black bean risotto, one for me, and one for the hubby. I had mine the next day, but I found the rest hidden in the back of the fridge this morning. Snooze you loose hubby! It’s all mine!!


I think the risotto managed to get even creamier as it sat in the fridge. 🙂


Some risotto plus a banana.


Naner naner boo boo


Plus some unpictured tortilla chips…don’t know how that happened! 😉

Oh and a glass of juice!


This is V8 Splash Light Acai Berry something or other. I usually like V8 Splash since it actually tastes like fruit (a must for me to drink juice- it has to be 100% fruit!) but this flavor definitely disappointed. It was way too sweet and didn’t taste like any fruit I know. Bahh. Oh well.


Now back to work!!! 🙂

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February 26, 2010 at 1:49 pm 5 comments

Wheat Berry Ready

I finally remembered to make my wheat berries!!! I got these ages ago, and only think of them in the morning when I want to add them to my oats, but they take awhile to prepare so I always just say “forget it!”.  (Wheat berries (or one word- wheatberries) are the entire grain except the hull– talk about whole grains!)

I saw them in the pantry last night and threw them on the counter so I’d see them and remember to get them going before I went to bed.

I made all the wheat berries I had so the whole bunch would be ready and waiting whenever I wanted them. They’re easy to make, just take a bit-o-time.

1. Cover in water- about 3 1/2 cups water for every cup wheat berries. Let soak over night.

2. In the morning, bring to boil, then simmer 50-60 minutes. Add water if needed.

3. Cool & store. Or eat instantly 🙂

dried wheat berriessoaked wheat berreis

wheat berries

wheat berries


The wheat berries add such a wonderful depth to oatmeal. They contribute the perfect amount of chewiness without making the bowl of oats overly filling. I’m in love! 🙂

DSCN2015 DSCN2014

I had pumpkin chai oats again this morning, but this time with wheat berries of course. And added pecans on top.


Still with peanut butter of course!


So was that enough pictures of wheat berries for you? 😉

Don’t forget to check out my Fitbook Giveaway!

February 26, 2010 at 7:03 am 13 comments

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