Posts tagged ‘run’

Imma Run Run Running

Hopefully by the time you’re reading this I’ll just be crossing the finish line! I’ll be back later on today once I get back home to give you a full update!

March 21, 2010 at 9:31 am 1 comment

Runner’s Stomach


I could not decide what I wanted to eat for lunch today. Everything I wanted was veggies. I knew I needed some kinda protein though so I kept searching the cupboards.

I finally decided on salmon lettuce wraps.Canned salmon, great northern beans, celery, and brown mustard mixed together and served on romaine lettuce. The lettuce I had didn’t really cater to “wrapping”, so I guess these were more like lettuce boats.

They were really good!!! With Veggie Patch spinach and corn nuggets on the side. I think I like the corn ones better than the spinach ones.

salmon boats salmon salad



My run started off wonderfully. The weather was beautiful- 63 degrees & sunny. I was running in capris and a short sleeve shirt for the first time this year. A few miles in, it started getting cloudy & gray. I could feel the temperature dropping- instead of getting hotter the longer I ran, I was actually getting colder. I didn’t mind any of this- I was hoping the rain would hold off, but I didn’t really care about getting wet. I’ve run in the rain before- I don’t melt.

But about 4 miles in, my stomach rebelled. I had parked my car in the middle of the route I wanted to run so I could stop off for a gel and some water a little more than half way through the run. Luckily that I also meant there was a visitor’s center nearby. I ran the 3 or 4 more miles to the visitor’s center, but unfortunately my stomach was still killing me. I decided to just run the mile-ish loop around the visitor’s center so I’d be nearby. I made it about another 1/2 mile before I realized it was a futile effort. I called it a day and headed home.

I’m really really hoping it’s an upset stomach from something I ate or running, but I’ve never felt like this from running. I still have chills & the sweats. Ugh. Not fun. I’m hoping it goes away soon! I always always have a post-run snack, but it’s just not happening today. Not yet anyways.

I did however, make it 8.8 miles in 1:29 before I bailed.

Gotta love the side-effects of running 😉

March 15, 2010 at 3:18 pm 12 comments

Runner’s Stomach


I could not decide what I wanted to eat for lunch today. Everything I wanted was veggies. I knew I needed some kinda protein though so I kept searching the cupboards.

I finally decided on salmon lettuce wraps.Canned salmon, great northern beans, celery, and brown mustard mixed together and served on romaine lettuce. The lettuce I had didn’t really cater to “wrapping”, so I guess these were more like lettuce boats.

They were really good!!! With Veggie Patch spinach and corn nuggets on the side. I think I like the corn ones better than the spinach ones.

salmon boats salmon salad



My run started off wonderfully. The weather was beautiful- 63 degrees & sunny. I was running in capris and a short sleeve shirt for the first time this year. A few miles in, it started getting cloudy & gray. I could feel the temperature dropping- instead of getting hotter the longer I ran, I was actually getting colder. I didn’t mind any of this- I was hoping the rain would hold off, but I didn’t really care about getting wet. I’ve run in the rain before- I don’t melt.

But about 4 miles in, my stomach rebelled. I had parked my car in the middle of the route I wanted to run so I could stop off for a gel and some water a little more than half way through the run. Luckily that I also meant there was a visitor’s center nearby. I ran the 3 or 4 more miles to the visitor’s center, but unfortunately my stomach was still killing me. I decided to just run the mile-ish loop around the visitor’s center so I’d be nearby. I made it about another 1/2 mile before I realized it was a futile effort. I called it a day and headed home.

I’m really really hoping it’s an upset stomach from something I ate or running, but I’ve never felt like this from running. I still have chills & the sweats. Ugh. Not fun. I’m hoping it goes away soon! I always always have a post-run snack, but it’s just not happening today. Not yet anyways.

I did however, make it 8.8 miles in 1:29 before I bailed.

Gotta love the side-effects of running 😉

March 15, 2010 at 3:18 pm 12 comments

Run & Beans


First a little pre-run banana bread– warmed up and slathered with almond butter & walnuts.

banana bread

Then a little 4.5 mile run. I should probably call it a jog 🙂 An old woman passed me walking. Ok not really, but I wouldn’t have been surprised- I was just plodding along. 🙂

I don’t know whether it was the beautiful sunshine or the awesome selection of music that was randomly playing on my Ipod, but I really enjoyed this run jog.

running trail

It was a good day for people watching too. I don’t really like running when there’s lots of people around, but it can provide for some good distraction. I was trying to decide who was my favorite today:

– the guy who was so adamant about not stopping at the traffic lights that he kept turning around and running back and forth between the two lights, trying to time it out to get a green light. Good luck with that runner dude.

– the HUGE macho tough guys running their tiny wiener dogs. (And yes, I saw more than one.)

the little old ladies that had a honest-to-goodness full out Yogi Bear style wooden picnic basket, complete with a red-checkered picnic blanket and fresh flowers.

By the way, 60 degrees is down right hot compared to the 30 degrees I’ve done most of my running in. The wind may burn your face, but I have to say, I love not dripping sweat. Can’t imagine what running this summer is going to be like…


My post run lunch was Mexican leftovers. (Yes, MORE leftovers. At least they were different this time!)

A veggie quesadilla (Luckily I saw that hidden tomato before I ate it and it poisoned me. Blech!)

veggie quesadilla

And black beans. beans

A little lettuce & sour cream on the side. mexican mexican lunch

And a Zevia!


Goodness I’m stuffed now. Kinda makes you think about how gigantic restaurant portions can be. What I had today was only about one third of what I had last night. Lots-o-food!

March 8, 2010 at 1:55 pm 14 comments

Dos & Don’ts of Healthy Living


I wanted something for dinner that wasn’t leftovers for once, but was just as simple. I opted for spaghetti, but of course I had to throw in some veggies.

First I shredded some zucchini.


Then heated it up with some spinach. Seasoned with pepper, garlic & onion powders, and nutmeg. I love zucchini and nutmeg together.spinach and zucchini

Plus a little assistance from Mr. Bertolli. Fire Roasted Spaghetti sauce. pasta sauce

Topped with some parmesan cheese and shredded Monterey Jack cheese.


Mmm. So good. So easy. So not leftovers.

veggie spaghetti

Some advice in the form of:

Dos & Don’ts


Eat spicy buffalo pizza and then decide to run 7.5 miles.


Follow up a run with fro you. (Georgia peach & tart pina colada with coconut & rainbow sprinkles.

fro yo


Play pick up sticks with your dinner


Pick them up and put them in the pot.

Oops I probably should have put that under don’t and not admitted to the world that I firmly believe in the 5 second rule… and the 10 second rule….

pick up sticks


Make good use of time and do the dishes while waiting for the water to boil.


Confuse the dishwasher detergent with parmesan cheese (Don’t worry, I didn’t- but I had to think about it for a minute)


Chug water out of plastic bottle that’s been sitting in your car for who knows how long


Drink wine with girlfriends….gonna go do that one now 🙂

March 6, 2010 at 7:59 pm 10 comments

Dos & Don’ts of Healthy Living


I wanted something for dinner that wasn’t leftovers for once, but was just as simple. I opted for spaghetti, but of course I had to throw in some veggies.

First I shredded some zucchini.


Then heated it up with some spinach. Seasoned with pepper, garlic & onion powders, and nutmeg. I love zucchini and nutmeg together.spinach and zucchini

Plus a little assistance from Mr. Bertolli. Fire Roasted Spaghetti sauce. pasta sauce

Topped with some parmesan cheese and shredded Monterey Jack cheese.


Mmm. So good. So easy. So not leftovers.

veggie spaghetti

Some advice in the form of:

Dos & Don’ts


Eat spicy buffalo pizza and then decide to run 7.5 miles.


Follow up a run with fro you. (Georgia peach & tart pina colada with coconut & rainbow sprinkles.

fro yo


Play pick up sticks with your dinner


Pick them up and put them in the pot.

Oops I probably should have put that under don’t and not admitted to the world that I firmly believe in the 5 second rule… and the 10 second rule….

pick up sticks


Make good use of time and do the dishes while waiting for the water to boil.


Confuse the dishwasher detergent with parmesan cheese (Don’t worry, I didn’t- but I had to think about it for a minute)


Chug water out of plastic bottle that’s been sitting in your car for who knows how long


Drink wine with girlfriends….gonna go do that one now 🙂

March 6, 2010 at 7:59 pm 10 comments

Feed Me Nowww!

How ironic that I wrote about mid-run fueling in my last post and then I was starving during my 4.5 mile run this afternoon. Not just ‘I need a nibble hungry’, like’ when is dinner feed me now hungry’! It was all I could do to chug a glass a juice as soon as I was done, and then cram some food in my face.

DSCN2502 DSCN2499

The last cranberry citrus English muffin with almond butter, some apple slices, and cinnamon.

I’m off to a meeting tonight that’ll have snacks and drinks, but I needed a little something more substantial first. Since I had little time to spare, I just heated up some white spinach pizza from the Fresh Market. It was actually really good!



I’m gonna turn into a slice of pizza one of these days. 🙂

Plus a recovered cupcake mishap.

cupcake mishap

Some mistakes are good ones 🙂

March 1, 2010 at 7:13 pm 13 comments

Redemption 10

Happy Friday!!! I’m glad the sun is shining again, but wowza is it windy out there!!! Yikes!!

I have a super packed weekend ahead of me and instead of worrying about when I was going to squeeze in a 2 hour run, I decided it was best to do it today.

Although I have a 12 miler scheduled, I figured after last week’s crummy run, it’d be better to get a good 10 miler under my belt first. Ok, honestly, I didn’t decide that until I was already running, but I felt really comfortable with the idea of repeating the 10. I have plenty of time to get to 12 before March 21st.

I’m happy to report today’s 10 went much better than last week’s!! I made it to mile 7.5ish before my legs were super exhausted. But exhausted in the “you just ran 7.5 miles” way, not the “what the heck is going on” way. I took a few quick walk breaks the last few miles, but I’m pleased with how it went.

I ended up doing 10.18 miles in 1:43:10, which is a 10:08 pace. Works for me. I mean obviously I wish I was able to handle a faster pace, but I also have the ability to be realistic— 10 is good.

It was SO windy too. It finally died down for the last 20 minutes or so, and it was amazing how much warmer it felt for that part. Whew!



Hidden risotto!! I had saved two servings of the black bean risotto, one for me, and one for the hubby. I had mine the next day, but I found the rest hidden in the back of the fridge this morning. Snooze you loose hubby! It’s all mine!!


I think the risotto managed to get even creamier as it sat in the fridge. 🙂


Some risotto plus a banana.


Naner naner boo boo


Plus some unpictured tortilla chips…don’t know how that happened! 😉

Oh and a glass of juice!


This is V8 Splash Light Acai Berry something or other. I usually like V8 Splash since it actually tastes like fruit (a must for me to drink juice- it has to be 100% fruit!) but this flavor definitely disappointed. It was way too sweet and didn’t taste like any fruit I know. Bahh. Oh well.


Now back to work!!! 🙂

Enter to win a Fitbook!!

February 26, 2010 at 1:49 pm 5 comments

Take that McDonald’s

In case you were wondering, 34 degrees is too cold for running in a t-shirt!! (For me anyways) I don’t know what I was thinking. The sight of sunshine must have confused my brain cells into thinking that must mean it was warm outside. I even opened the door to check the temperature, but I guess it didn’t register.

Anyway, I had an absolutely freezing but nice 4 mile run today. It’s amazing to think the first time I ran this route I barely survived using the Galloway run-walk method. Now the only part I walk is a steep gravel down-hill—and that’s for fear of wipeout, not utter exhaustion!

My arms were so cold by the end of the run I couldn’t feel them. I couldn’t even function enough to turn my Ipod off or stop my watch. (Seriously I’m the most cold-natured person I’ve ever met- I wear hoodies year-round.) My arms and hands still feel funny.

After my run I had a nice lunch to refuel. A gourmet Egg McMuffin:


(It doesn’t just look ginormous- it IS ginormous)

It’s a Jalapeno Cheddar English muffin with a microwave egg, cheddar cheese, spinach, and some sautéed onions leftover from last night’s fajitas.


I didn’t really care for this English muffin. I don’t mind spicy things, but the flavor combo in an English muffin just didn’t really work for me. The sautéed onions were the highlight of the sandwich- yummm!!


(The spinach is a little odd looking because I stuck the whole thing under the broiler.)

Check out this runny yolk action- sometimes you just need the whole egg!!


Now I’m drinking more coffee to warm up! Yikes!!

February 25, 2010 at 12:52 pm 17 comments

Take that McDonald’s

In case you were wondering, 34 degrees is too cold for running in a t-shirt!! (For me anyways) I don’t know what I was thinking. The sight of sunshine must have confused my brain cells into thinking that must mean it was warm outside. I even opened the door to check the temperature, but I guess it didn’t register.

Anyway, I had an absolutely freezing but nice 4 mile run today. It’s amazing to think the first time I ran this route I barely survived using the Galloway run-walk method. Now the only part I walk is a steep gravel down-hill—and that’s for fear of wipeout, not utter exhaustion!

My arms were so cold by the end of the run I couldn’t feel them. I couldn’t even function enough to turn my Ipod off or stop my watch. (Seriously I’m the most cold-natured person I’ve ever met- I wear hoodies year-round.) My arms and hands still feel funny.

After my run I had a nice lunch to refuel. A gourmet Egg McMuffin:


(It doesn’t just look ginormous- it IS ginormous)

It’s a Jalapeno Cheddar English muffin with a microwave egg, cheddar cheese, spinach, and some sautéed onions leftover from last night’s fajitas.


I didn’t really care for this English muffin. I don’t mind spicy things, but the flavor combo in an English muffin just didn’t really work for me. The sautéed onions were the highlight of the sandwich- yummm!!


(The spinach is a little odd looking because I stuck the whole thing under the broiler.)

Check out this runny yolk action- sometimes you just need the whole egg!!


Now I’m drinking more coffee to warm up! Yikes!!

February 25, 2010 at 12:52 pm 17 comments

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